Interaction20 Redux Nederland

Annually, the Interaction Design community gathers to stretch minds, sharpen skills and inspire each other at the biggest interaction design conference in the world. This year Interaction20 in Milan (2-7 Feb) had 3 conference days with 80 talks and more than 1000 participants. With the theme 'A new Dawn', Interaction 20 gave voice to a diverse range of points of view - essential human-centered perspectives, now more than ever.
We're happy to let you experience some prominent voices of Interaction20 – remote of course, but with a whole lot of shaking going on!

A New Dawn

Overview Program Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Like everything else in life, this program is subject to change.

19:45Join in or better… Hopin time!

20:00 Welcome

Five emerging themes from the Interaction20 conference - Lily Kollé

Under a pandemic magnifying glass: "Sexy" versus Sexist in UX - Gina Taha


21:10Evolving Users: the framing of Fluid Mindsets - Giulia Bazoli & Chiara Lino

Q&A time

21:50Sessions & Expo's

22:30Calling it a day


This free virtual Redux20 event will take place via the event platform Hopin. In order to attend you will need to use Chrome or Firefox on a laptop or desktop computer.

Register now


Program Interaction20 Redux Nederland

Like everything else in life, this program is subject to change.

19:45Join in or better… Hopin time!

20:00 Welcome to Redux20 and IxDA

Fresh local leaders of Interaction Design Association (IxDA) Nederland, Bettina Kast and Anouschka Scholten will kick it off together with the other local leaders of IxDA Nederland.

20:10Five emerging themes from the Interaction20 conference - Lily Kollé

Lily Kollé Being a member of the Interaction Design Association, Lily Kollé followed the community for years, starting when she was a poor design school student and worked a couple of their events for cash. Now that she is a real, grown-up designer, she had the pleasure of attending the flagship yearly conference, Interaction20 to gain some insight into the state of interaction design. She wrote the article 'Five emerging themes from the Interaction20 conference' on Medium which she will elaborate on in her talk with respect to the Covid19 pandemic the world fell in to right after the conference.

Lily Kollé brings clarity to complex design and business challenges. She leads user experience and service design projects. She specializes in the practices of digital minimalism, design thinking, holistic user experience and ontological design to find tangible solutions to wicked problems.
With experience across three continents, Lily has worked for a diverse range of clients in finance, tech, healthcare, government, education, tourism, and transportation. She began her career as a concept designer at Intel and now works at Argo Design’s European studio in Amsterdam. She graduated with honors from the California College of the Arts with a degree in Industrial Design.
In her spare time Lily dives with sharks, sails deserted islands, and prefers to live in hammocks over houses.

20:30Under a pandemic magnifying glass: "Sexy" versus Sexist in UX - Gina Taha

Gina Taha A talk on mistakes made in recommendations, design decisions, and micro-interactions that pushed the line from something polished, to something patronizing.

If you ask professionals what the secret to a great experience is, they’ll mention things such as they match user needs, they are intuitive and user-friendly. But who is this amalgamous user? Men and women interact differently, amongst themselves and with each other, and what we don’t realize is that sometimes our design feedback and choices inadvertently align to strengthen implicit gender biases. To evolve our practice and design the future, this talk focuses on mistakes made in recommendations, design decisions, and micro-interactions, that pushed the line from something polished to something patronizing. Examples span a variety of Human-Machine Interfaces: from user-facing apps to HMIs in automobiles to VR in Robotic Surgeries.
Points: micro-interactions vs micro-aggressions, understanding gender bias in UI interfaces and interactions: product design decisions gone wrong from a male and female POV.

Gina Taha collaborates with strategy-focused design and research agencies, governments and systems, worldwide in the creation of user-centered product-service-system experiences. Her goal is to deeply root insights derived from ethnography and other qualitative research methods, into design solutions to deliver on technology's promise of inclusivity and empowerment within.

20:50Interactive (vocal) break

21:10Evolving Users: the framing of Fluid Mindsets - Giulia Bazoli & Chiara Lino

Giulia Bazoli Chiara Lino Are Personas still the best tool to define and understand the needs of our users? Discover with us ‘Mindsets’ a new approach and practical tool that can help your team integrate users’ needs in all stages and at all levels of product development.

We created Mindsets as an answer to the need of understanding and empathizing with end users at all levels of the organisation and at all stages of product development. A tool that could describe and summarise users’ attitudes, thinking and feeling towards a product or a service—without turning into static silhouettes of imaginary people, but instead while keeping some of the fluidity and constant shifting in behavior and attitude that real people have. That could evolve within the product or service we were building for users. And that could actively probe teams to iterate on it, evolve it together, and conduct continuous research along with continuous development.
In this talk, we will walk the audience through our process to formulate Mindsets, why we believe they work better than Personas, how to make your own, and how to apply them throughout the design process.

Get ready to dive into the subject with Giulia and Chiara and read their Personas versus Mindsets series: 'Mindset over matter: a new design trick for your toolbox' part one, part two and part three.

Giulia Bazoli - After working for 5 years as a user researcher across the private and public sectors, Giulia has shifted towards User Experience and has been working as a senior UX designer at Designit for the past 2 years. Here, in every project, they use, test and challenge different research and design methodologies to push forward the discipline by exploring and formulating new approaches.

Chiara Lino - has spent her adult life jumping from design to journalism, and then rolling back to design, each time bringing back with her something from the other discipline. As a UX Lead at Designit, she does her best to look closely not only at the 'whats', but also at the 'whys' and 'hows' of our discipline, trying to push the boundaries of critical approach to what we build and enable.

21:40Q&A time

Using, you can start asking your questions now! Use code 26520

21:50Sessions & Expo's

Join the conversation and happiness in one of the break out rooms:

  • Student Expo

    You have the unique opportunity to see the work of design students who would love to hear your feedback and questions - especially now!

  • Design by Fire Café Talk

    Sadly missed in these times, so give yourselves a virtual hug

  • Aftertalk '5 emerging themes of Interaction20' with Lily Kollé

    Yes, you can get deeper into that.

  • Aftertalk 'Sexy vs Sexist' with Gina Taha

    We know you want to discuss this more, don't be shy!

  • Aftertalk 'Evolving Users: the framing of Fluid Mindsets' with Giulia Bazoli & Chiara Lino

    Yes they can tell you much more about the method:-)

22:30Calling it a day

Student Expos

Besides the awesome speakers reviving Interaction20, we have students sharing their work in 7 Student Expos:

  • Charlotte Uding (HvA)- Researching Waste separation behaviour, she devised and partly designed three field research methods in order to be able to investigate this subject in times of a pandemic.
  • Daniël Korssen (HKU) - Digital Dance Party, is an online space where everyone listens to the same music, can chat, send GIFs and most importantly, share their dance moves.
  • Jelle Hoogenberg (HKU) - Contour, easily visualize and share museum exhibition designs (Rijksmuseum project)
  • Jolieke Timmermans (HvA) - VOCAB Voice UI, to help develop Dutch vocabulary playfully to 6-11 year old children
  • Melissa Kragten (HKU) - My ideal dataworld will help you form your own ideal data world and helps you think about data collection in a new way.
  • Nadine van den Berg (HKU) - Mina, an interactive mirror that gives unemployed people over 50 fresh enthusiasm when looking for a job
  • Arnoud van Schie en Evita Geradts (Avans CMD Breda) - Infinite Classroom, Changing the Collaborative Creative Process in Design Education, on blended-learning in practice.


This free virtual Redux20 event will take place via the event platform Hopin.
In order to attend you will need to use Chrome or Firefox on a laptop or desktop computer

Register now


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